The Maryland Inn

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This hotel dates back to 1772, and is the oldest continuously operated hotel in the country. And, according to staff and guests, it may just be the most haunted as well. Visitors and employees at the inn have reported cold spots, the scent of perfume, ghostly voices, disembodied footsteps and various apparitions, including a woman in a black dress who fell to her death down a flight of stairs, a spectral bride, a ghostly sea captain run down by a carriage in front of the building and a civil war soldier whose voice has been heard singing in various parts of the establishment during the early hours.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

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Geographic Information

16 Church Circle
Annapolis, MD
United States

Get Directions »
38.9780252, -76.49191459999997
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Nearest Towns:
Annapolis, MD (0.0 mi.)
Naval Academy, MD (0.6 mi.)
Robinwood, MD (2.0 mi.)
Parole, MD (2.1 mi.)
Hillsmere Shores, MD (2.6 mi.)
Edgewater, MD (3.4 mi.)
Highland Beach, MD (3.6 mi.)
Arnold, MD (3.8 mi.)
Londontowne, MD (4.4 mi.)
Selby-on-the-Bay, MD (4.6 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. Brendan McNulty  |  

    I worked as a night watchmen for The Historic Inns of Annapolis for around two years during the late 90’s. As a night security officer I fell under the supervision of a few off duty city police officers that would pull shifts on there days off .Therefore it was not uncommon for one of the city officers to come through and check on my activity’s on my shift during the coarse of the evening.. I consider myself to fall under the category of skeptical when it comes to unexplained phenomenon , I further emphasize that I am of sound judgement and moral charterer. From my first hand experience as a night watchmen I have concluded that the Maryland Inn is haunted . I have seen first hand A lady dressed in a long black dress with black long hair parted in the middle

  2. 4 years ago I stayed at this hotel. I had ZERO idea/notion of any ghosts! Not a “ghost” person. It was late on a Saturday night. My son was a Plebe at the Naval Academy. We were watching ESPN and he had about 1-2 hours before he had to be back on base/campus. The bathroom door opened wide and then closed shut! He looked at me and said “I have to go!” (He didn’t, it’s a 5 min walk and he had 90 minutes!). I called my oldest daughter and told her. She called me back…”are you on the X floor?”…I don’t remember what floor it was, but it was the floor she asked about! She said the basement and that floor were haunted! For some reason, she told me the nature of the haunt and I felt sympathy for the ghost and felt only peace! I went right to sleep!

  3. Me and my friend stayed here a few nights ago. We were on the second floor. I had absolutely no idea that the place was paranormal in any way. Honestly, we were just tired from the partying and didn’t want to Uber home. Long story short, we were both incredibly restless the entire night. When I drink I will knock out for hours and its almost impossible to wake me up. We kept waking up the entire night. The AC unit was at 73 degrees but it was absolutely freezing. I had awful nightmares and on top of that, my friend told me I was rocking back and forth on the side of the bed for about an hour. I don’t remember that at all. I do remember hearing the closet door rattle but honestly… I didn’t even look. I wanted to ignore whatever the hell was there and just go to sleep.

  4. My husband and I stayed here for our anniversary a few years ago. The suite was lovely and spacious but the tv kept turning on by itself in the middle of the night. It really gave us the creeps.

  5. Stayed there for a business retreat about 10 years ago, creeped me out. footsteps outside the door all night but no one there when I checked. Other members of our party had weird things happen in their rooms.

  6. Had no inkling of rumors. Stayed on the 4th flr last night. Unexplained black shadows. Creeped out the whole night. Sense of fear/falling on just one section of multiple stairs–happened same place twice. Very odd stay. Now I know why the desk clerk’s voice sounded funny when he said “and you are on the 4th floor.”

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