Gabreil Daveis Tavern

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Gabreil Daveis Tavern was built in 1756 and the attic was turned into a hospital by George Washington during the Revolutionary War. Reports say the attic still retains its original bloodstained furniture, and spirits can be heard walking and suffering there at night. Also, former owner William Schock is said to sit in his rocking chair smoking a pipe.

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Geographic Information

3rd Ave.
Glendora, NJ
United States

Get Directions »
39.8375018661882, -75.06075478344883
Camden County, New Jersey
Nearest Towns:
Glendora, NJ (0.7 mi.)
Runnemede, NJ (1.1 mi.)
Magnolia, NJ (1.6 mi.)
Barrington, NJ (1.9 mi.)
Hi-Nella, NJ (1.9 mi.)
Somerdale, NJ (2.1 mi.)
Blackwood, NJ (2.4 mi.)
Stratford, NJ (2.5 mi.)
Lawnside, NJ (2.6 mi.)
Bellmawr, NJ (2.7 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (3)

  1. We moved one block away to the tavern in 1982, and the first summer we continually noted that someone was shooting in the woods behind the property. One night I came home from work and observed people standing around the old carriage house (since burned to the ground) and since it was around 2 AM this was suspicious. I started walking towards them to scare them away and as I got closer I noticed they were dressed in very beat up clothing, which appeared to be revolutionary war era. When I got within about 100 yards they all disappeared but I could still hear voices. Since then I have observed people in and around the building late at night, so has my wife and my kids, who swear the cellar is especially spooky (I didn’t ask how they know.) When the temps are reasonable and our windows are open we still hear musket shots around Big Timber Creek, just behind the building. Visiting the tavern during the day reminds me of my visit to the USS Sullivans at the Phila Navy Yard, a feeling that someone is there even though you can’t see him. .

  2. I grew up on third avenue in Glendora and went (1 day) to take the tour from Mr. Schook. (People called him Schooky). It had a very creepy feeling. (I enjoyed horror movies as a child, so it gives you a good idea just how creepy.)

  3. Glendora resident  |  

    Growing up in White Birch we frequented Shookies house every so often riding our bikes we would end up at the dead end and go up the dirt path driveway up to the house and see mr. Shook out there sitting in his chair next to the old well and we would ask him if we could pump some water out and get a drink going back there seemed like it was so far and out of the way to find this creepy old house and this man just living there quietly . There was always a peaceful somber feeling being back there never knowing the importance of the history of this house growing up as a kid but learned appreciated that now that I’m older

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