This retired aircraft carrier, historic landmark, and museum is said to be the most haunted warship in the world. It has been used as a setting on many movies and has been featured on several TV shows, including MTV’s Fear, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures and Scariest Places on Earth.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 707 W Hornet Ave
Alameda, CA 94501
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 37.772564092068386, -122.30258129793094
- County:
- Alameda County, California
- Nearest Towns:
- Oakland, CA (2.8 mi.)
Alameda, CA (3.4 mi.)
Emeryville, CA (4.2 mi.)
Piedmont, CA (5.3 mi.)
San Francisco, CA (6.4 mi.)
Berkeley, CA (7.0 mi.)
Albany, CA (7.9 mi.)
Brisbane, CA (8.3 mi.)
San Leandro, CA (8.7 mi.)
Kensington, CA (9.6 mi.)
Contact Information
- Telephone:
- (510) 521-8448
- Web:
- http://www.uss-hornet.org/
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
Went to the USS Hornet as a girlscout in elementary school. Very spooky. They have this helicopter that apparently has an old pilot appear sometimes – I never saw him, but it was always icy cold near that thing, colder than anything else.
Moving on, I’ve been to the Hornet twice. The first time I went, my mother came along – they have these 3 layer bunks that the sailors used to sleep on, and me and my mom slept on two bottom ones, pressed next to each other on the short ends. I was having a hard time sleeping, and was keeping my mom up. Eventually she told me to shut up, and as I lay there, there was a sudden freezing draft behind me, from the little walkway between our bunks and the wall. Me, being 12 in a haunted ship, went stock still for a good 15 minutes, until it warmed up again, before calling for mama. She didn’t tell me then, but once we got home, she let me know that at around that time, she, who had been facing the wall, saw a heavy duty boot step past her and keep walking. She thought it was one of the night guards making sure the girls weren’t messing around, but we were cornered in against the wall by a big, unmoveable metal container. And the person with the boots never came back the other way. As far as we figured, boot person just walked straight through that metal thing like it had never been there.
Second time I stayed, we wnlent to the horror story night. Girl scouts + mass hysteria is hilarious by the way. Anyways, while the scary stories were being told, I saw shadowy figures walking through the dimly lit nearby hallways. I figured it was late troops coming in, but when I went to check as we headed back to sleep, I found out those hallways were blocked off. Spooky.
There was more than all that, mind you, including the creepy mannequins they keep there, but those were the things that most stuck with me. Place is definitely haunted.
Real truth, ghosts are not real!! The USS Hornet CVN-12 aircraft carrier is not haunted. It is just an abandoned naval ship. That’s it. But although this carrier has shot down so many Japanese warplanes ever since World War 2. The USS Hornet has shot down more than 1,400 Japanese fighter aircraft throughout it’s violent history and achieving more combat victories for the United States Navy. It has also served in the Korean War and in the Vietnam War as well. This warship has shown up in a TV show called “Ghost Stories” and the tourists got so scared when they boarded the ajrcraft carrier.
Can you not, so annoying putting your own blieves in others fantasy like if you want to talk go to some other site
I went on an overnight trip for boy scouts and when I was sleeping my bed shook and it felt like someone dripped water on my forehead until I got up then I heard footsteps walking away from my bed.
Very haunted. Took a tour and felt unexplained creepiness the entire time. Espacially around that helicoptor thats on display and down in the bunkers. Heard the sound of footsteps and then noises of a person around a corner from where I was standing, but when I came to, there was nothing but an empty hall. I even went looking for the source of the sounds and found noone. I ended up running out of that place and never went back; mind you, this was long before the big ghost adventures debut. I had no idea at the time that the place was known for being haunted.
I once went to the USS Hornet with my sister a few years ago. We were downstairs where the bed area was and as I was climbing up the stairs I felt something pushing me making me fall. My sisters turned back and asked if I slipped. I looked behind me to yell at the person who pushed me but there was no one behind me. I later looked on YouTube if it was a haunted location and I learned that it was. I want to revisit this location to find out more.