Guests at this 1800s inn, which was once a cobbler shop, have heard knocking on their doors when no one was there, and disembodied footsteps in the hallway. Those who have seen the ghost here say he is a man wearing a long dark coat.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 121 East Second Street
Zoar, Ohio 44697
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 40.6124982, -81.42233479999999
- County:
- Tuscarawas County, Ohio
- Nearest Towns:
- Zoar, OH (0.1 mi.)
Bolivar, OH (3.0 mi.)
Sandyville, OH (3.3 mi.)
Mineral City, OH (3.3 mi.)
East Sparta, OH (5.2 mi.)
Parral, OH (5.3 mi.)
Strasburg, OH (5.6 mi.)
Dover, OH (6.9 mi.)
Magnolia, OH (7.0 mi.)
New Philadelphia, OH (8.6 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.cobblershop.com/web/Home.html
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
My husband and I spent the night of June 20, 2014 at the Cobbler Shop B & B in Zoar, Ohio. We did not know about the reputation of this place. I booked it because we were visiting historic sights in Ohio. The house is adorable and the antiques are amazing! The 86 year old woman (Sandy) is an excellent hostess. Her antique shop, home, flower garden and hospitality are wonderful. ( So is her breakfast!)
My husband and I stayed in the “Stencil” room. We took a short afternoon nap upon our arrival before exploring Zoar Village. My husband fell asleep immediately and was snoring softly as a lay beside him resting with my eyes closed, but I was not asleep. I felt someone sit down at the foot of the bed on my side. I thought it was just my imagination until I felt whatever it was slightly shift position as if to get more comfortable. I looked but saw nothing. I told my husband about it when he awoke. After a long day of sightseeing and enjoying a delicious meal at the Canal Tavern (formerly the Inn on the River) we turned in for the night. I was feeling a little bit uneasy about the atmosphere in the room because of what I had experienced earlier. So I read Psalm 91 out- loud from my bible. ( It was in the car and my hubby brought it up.) My husband also prayed for the LORD to protect us as we slept. At 4:00 am I awoke to my husband letting out a terrifying scream! He was awakened by someone vigorously pulling on his arm! He immediately called on the Name of Jesus out-loud. He quickly turned on the bed-stand light. We sat there gaping at each other stunned! (My husband is calm type of person who is NOT a super outwardly emotional person!) The prayer worked! I said, “I feel a different atmosphere in here now! I feel peaceful.” My husband agreed he felt the same atmosphere of peace too. We shut off the light and slept soundly until 8:00 am. We didn’t say anything to anyone about it at breakfast. It wasn’t until we had packed up to leave and we were paying our bill that we told Sandy our story. She informed us about the Cobbler Shop’s reputation for being haunted. WE DID NOT know this information beforehand!
We stayed at The Cobbler Shop in 2000 for two or three nights. We were with another couple, and we were the only guests at that time. Sandy was/is a delightful host, and we felt like family immediately upon arrival.
A bat had gotten into the house earlier and was flying around, and Sandy asked the men if they would mind catching and releasing it. After they showed the bat the door, one of the guys asked if there was anything we should know, like if there were any ghosts. Sandy said she was debating on whether she should tell us or not, but since we asked…
Zoar is a very old town with a rich history. The entire town is known for being haunted, and many of the buildings are, some more so than others. The Cobbler Shop, Sandy told us, has a playful ghost–a man who likes to move objects from their place, etc. We took it lightly, but kept aware.
On our first night there my husband and I were both awakened in the night by our bedroom door latch lightly rattling. We laughed because we thought our friends from across the hall were playing a trick on us. At breakfast in the morning we told our friends “nice try trying to scare us last night”. They said they didn’t do it, and they thought it was us rattling their bedroom door latch!
Nothing else happened during our visit other than friendly neighbors stopping in to visit with Sandy, and ultimately with us, too. It’s a great little town with friendly people, and a wonderful B&B with a delightful host. (and a playful ghost)