In the cemetery there is a marble headstone marking the grave of a boy named Michael Brown. Michael was allegedly killed by a hit and run driver who was rumored to be caught when details of the crash somehow came to be carved on the back of the headstone itself. People believe that it was the ghost of Michael Brown himself reaching out from beyond the grave to identify his murderer.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Springfield Cemetery
Springfield, LA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 30.4315426, -90.55163649999997
- Parish:
- Livingston Parish, Louisiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Springfield, LA (0.2 mi.)
Albany, LA (5.4 mi.)
Killian, LA (5.4 mi.)
Ponchatoula, LA (6.6 mi.)
Hammond, LA (7.4 mi.)
Natalbany, LA (8.9 mi.)
Tickfaw, LA (10.9 mi.)
Livingston, LA (12.7 mi.)
Independence, LA (14.4 mi.)
French Settlement, LA (17.3 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
This cemetery is across from Springfield high school. I went to Springfield schools kindergarten through 11th grade. The local legend is actually that Michael tried to date or was dating a white girl and some racist kids chained him to the back of a truck and drug him down back roads and through town until he died.
he was not dragged,he was ran over.
It was a hit and run, the man hit him and drive off. Plain and simple. Do the research. I lived blocks down from the incident. The man was caught. The drawing is from him when he was alive. The hit and run was added after he died. It was then etched by the request of the family
Its not haunted,almost all my family is buried there.the only truth to the story is that the drawing was not there on the first arrival of the stone.The artist at Louisiana Memorials was given the drawing on a paper bag and forgot to put it on the first round.He apologized and took the drawing and traced it on the mask to create the image you see on the back.No matter what you do though,the myth continues to exist.It has become a problem with people visiting there during the nights and trashing the area and desecrating graves.so much so that the police in springfield set visitaion off limits between the hours of 8 pm and 6 am
The cemetery does have activity on the grounds. We did have a spirit communicate with us through our flash light. This spirit grew up in Springfield and was living there during the Civil War. We could not find Michael Brown graveside. I’m sorry that yall have people who do not appreciate this cemetery. It’s such a beautiful place to rest.
I grew up in Springfield and went to school there my entire life. Jason S. is quite correct. The drawing on the back of Michael’s gravestone is not paranormal in nature. However, Tammy, you are also right. My friends and I have had quite a bit of paranormal communication from more than one talkative spirit in that cemetery. It’s a beautiful place for sure.
Ive herd that it was a small child that got ran over in a git and run. The night after he was buried, he. Or his spirit carved the crime scene on the back of the grave stone. Therefor they were able to catch the person who hit him. I think there is also his license plate number on the back of the gravestone.
They were able to solve the crime because of the carvings on the gravestone.
I first heard of this story on unsolved mysteries and always thought if I ever visited my brother in Springfield I would check it out. Now I’m looking it up and people are saying it was never on Unsolved Mysteries?! Am I experiencing the Mandela effect? or did the story bring to much chaos to the cemetery that they decided to let Michael rest in peace and say it was a drawing he did before he passed. Why would they pick that drawing- my kids have drawn adorable things over the years – If I was going to have one etched on their headstone it wouldn’t be one of their crime scene. But, non the less it is interesting if it is in fact a drawing that he made before he passed- was it a premonition?