Allegedly haunted by a variety of employees who died there in various ways. Details on the actual haunted activity are scarce but seem to fall primarily into the “eerie feeling” and “random sound” categories.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 882 W 7th St
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 44.92833959591572, -93.12283629101563
- County:
- Ramsey County, Minnesota
- Nearest Towns:
- Lilydale, MN (0.9 mi.)
West Saint Paul, MN (1.3 mi.)
Saint Paul, MN (1.8 mi.)
Mendota Heights, MN (3.2 mi.)
Mendota, MN (3.5 mi.)
Sunfish Lake, MN (4.1 mi.)
Falcon Heights, MN (4.9 mi.)
South Saint Paul, MN (5.0 mi.)
Roseville, MN (5.6 mi.)
Lauderdale, MN (6.3 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
I live in the bottling house at the Schmidt artist lofts with my best friend now and have experienced a few paranormal things. I have an everlast punching bag hanging in the corner of the living room and sometimes my best and I will be sitting at the kitchen counter and all hear the chain making noise and when we both turn around the bag is swigging on it’s own. Also right before bed I’ve felt a scary negative dark mass standing next to the bed and the next day my cat who always lays on my lap wouldn’t come near me for three hours and kept getting spooked by something. Also my best friend has been outside taking the dog out and heard the voice of a woman saying “hello” in a sweet voice. On another occasion my best friend was out of town and I had another friend stay with me and we were cooking in the kitchen late at night and got a creepy feeling and then my friend heard a woman say “hello.” That’s all I’ve experienced so far.
I have been living in the Bottle house since the lofts first opened for residence, but before the Brew house was done with construction. The most common thing is my closet light. It is motion sensored, covered by cloths. It doesn’t detect me when I walk in without rustling my dresses. But almost every single night, as I’m asleep, when my cat is tucked under my arm she will wake up and sit at the end of the bed and stare at the closet. I know when she does, it’s only a matter of time that that motion triggered light will come on, even though the doors are closed and there is no air vent to rustle the dresses in front of the sensor. I often hear hangers move too. I have seen dark masses, heard disembodied voices and my cat has been spooked by nothing. I get the “chills” in my very own apartment. But I do not believe it is malevolent. I’ve never had too many huge things happen in my apartment in my 3years here. But I did once have a life changing experience in the under grown basement area near the tunnel that connects bottle to Brewhouse. This was well after construction was done. I remember it being very late at night and I had gotten home after work after 2AM, an early night for me. I had a shit day and decided to take a walk around the building and wonder off the steam. While walking past that area of the underground, no neighbors were awake or in sight of hallways. It’s always easy to tell if neighbors are because sound reflects down the stone walls across the building. I muttered out loud to myself, “Oh god what a shitty f***ing day.” And something immediately responded very closed to only my right ear, “Have a beer.” I turned around immediately. I felt the wind of the words on my hair and a cold air on my right arm made its hairs stand on end. No one in sight, I just couldn’t help but laugh. Of COURSE I want a beer. OF COURSE I would be asked that in an old brewery. When NO ones around let alone awake on a weekday. I went home grabbed a beer and continued to wander the halls fascinated by my experience. Unfortunately, I have had none other like it.