A chocolate-loving spirit resides at this old bowstring bridge. Stories say that if you bring an unopened chocolate bar to the bridge at midnight, lay it in the center of the bridge, and exit the bridge, after 5 minutes you will find an unopened and intact wrapper, but the chocolate inside will be gone. The bridge is closed to automotive traffic.
- Photo by Roland R.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Rainbow Bridge
Lake City, Iowa
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 42.22960232487915, -94.75464002698362
- County:
- Calhoun County, Iowa
- Nearest Towns:
- Lake City, IA (2.8 mi.)
Lanesboro, IA (4.5 mi.)
Auburn, IA (6.5 mi.)
Lidderdale, IA (7.4 mi.)
Yetter, IA (7.6 mi.)
Lohrville, IA (10.9 mi.)
Breda, IA (11.8 mi.)
Glidden, IA (12.0 mi.)
Carroll, IA (12.7 mi.)
Rockwell City, IA (13.0 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
I tried the candy bar experiment with no results but when I did an evp session on the bridge I got two voices one male one female looking forward to a revisit.
atleast you wasn’t hanged above the car when it scratch the top and blood dripped then seen the white wolf
I would like to know where this is located from Lake City
Follow the map, east to find. Go south out of Lake City on Iberia and you will run into it
South of lake city.. get ahold of me grew up here.. but story was different back then.. here u hear a baby cry and see a white wolf… a county access place not too far has the candy bar story
Do you know what bridge the “real” story is from? Also more information about the white wolf would be interesting as I have never heard that one.
south west 5 miles
I lived a few miles from this bridge for 24 years. Nothing haunted about it. It is a fun story though:)
I went there with my sister and her boyfriend at the time he is an local of Lake City. I brought my fully charged video camera to video tape there. When we got there my camera died and all the battery drained completly. We went with a group of 5 people, and someone forgot the candy bar so we couldn’t test the myth out. You could hear foot steps and rustling around the bridge. Least to say we did not stay long.
Bridge was very creepy at night. Tried the chocolate bae. Nothing happened. My fiancé did say she heard a females voice while we were there. And something strange gapped with the radio at 12:04 it turned on by itself.
I just tried the candy bar on the bridge last night. No results.
we heard a boom
The boom is a local farmer he has that to scare the deer away. My husband and I have camped at rainbow and fished the river there with our girls for many years and nothing scared us away but never really investigated.
So we just left this bridge and our chocolate test failed. Although while walking on the bridge my mother felt a breeze that my father and I didn’t feel, and soon after I looked back at her and saw a black shadow run across the ground. (Note: there was no wind before or after that one incident in the 45 minutes to an hour we spent at the park) When we went back to to get our candy bar there was fishing line strewn across the ground that wasn’t there when we first went out. We didn’t hear voices but heard a lot of clicking and scraping etc. Sounds while we waited at the end of the bridge to go back. Soooooo even though the trick failed there is definitely something at that bridge.
Maybe the spirit thinks you think she’s fat. Try some tasty healthy food. Lol
Anyone know the whole story of the bridge? I have tried to piece this together, but on one seems to have the whole thing. I am interested in the wolf story also if anyone knows more about this please reply.
I took pictures on this bridge a long time ago, like 10 or so. When I was in this bridge messing around with friends, I didn’t believe it was haunted. Later on when we looked at the pictures there was a white orbe in one picture, but not the rest. Now I do believe it is haunted.