This home was built by the Pettlon family back in 1913, and has been in the family all that time. It is now for sale as of 2014. A member of the Pettlon family has shared with us her paranormal experiences there:
“Visiting my Grandmother in the family home I experienced visitations from passed relatives. Usually upstairs in the north large bedroom while sleeping in the high top bed. A cold hand would cross my face to wake me and I would see a distinct hovering presence. I knew it was trying to converse with me. There have been numerous remarks from other family members about passing figures and feeling someone else in the room. Now the 100 year old house is on the market and and while there packing… the house is loud with noise from slamming doors and flying objects. Cold spaces when you walk a room ..and a feeling of a very angry unhappy aura. This house was built by Mom and Dad and six kids were raised here.”
(Submitted by Sharon Pettlon)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 708 East Fayette St
Manchester, Iowa
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 42.48472599566894, -91.44954992830208
- County:
- Delaware County, Iowa
- Nearest Towns:
- Manchester, IA (0.3 mi.)
Delaware, IA (5.3 mi.)
Oneida, IA (6.3 mi.)
Delhi, IA (7.1 mi.)
Masonville, IA (7.2 mi.)
Dundee, IA (8.2 mi.)
Greeley, IA (8.9 mi.)
Earlville, IA (9.0 mi.)
Ryan, IA (9.4 mi.)
Edgewood, IA (11.3 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
In 2014, this house was purchased by a young man named Logan. He and his grandpa remodeled the house and added on a huge garage and utility room off the back of the house. He then sold it to a single mom of two kids in 2018. In December 2022, I bought this beautiful home with all of its original woodwork. My son and I have been living here for eight months with no strange happenings at all. I am very interested in knowing more about the history of this home and the family that loved it!