The Old Rush Copley Hospital was build in 1888 and shutdown in 1996. Paranormal researchers and people that have broken in this hospital have heard footsteps,unexplained voices and even apparitions. In one encounter, a group of teens have seen a doll that might have belong to a young child patient, move on its one once they looked at it.
(Submitted by Oscar G)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- S Lincoln Avenue and Weston
Aurora, IL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.74693515112537, -88.31864807005331
- County:
- Kane County, Illinois
- Nearest Towns:
- Aurora, IL (0.9 mi.)
Montgomery, IL (1.8 mi.)
Boulder Hill, IL (2.5 mi.)
North Aurora, IL (4.1 mi.)
Oswego, IL (4.7 mi.)
Lynwood, IL (5.8 mi.)
Sugar Grove, IL (6.5 mi.)
Batavia, IL (7.1 mi.)
Warrenville, IL (8.9 mi.)
Naperville, IL (9.2 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
Last summer, me and a group of friends had went down to Copley so we can check it out. The part of the hospital we went in was the insane asylum, and so while we were inside, all 4 of us heard a little girls voice scream out of nowhere. There was no one else at the hospital except for us, pretty creepy experience.
There was no insane asylum at old Copley that was at mercy hospital in the northern part of Aurora
Chris, the mercy hospital has no insane asylum, it was a psychiatry unit at the old mercy hospital.
I was just in there last night at 3am and we heard a loud voice that said HELLO right behind us. Scared of the shit out of us and we got it all on video
yea right
I went inside today with a group of people to take photos and explore, nothing really weird just a friend with a bad gut feeling but we still went in, we went into the basement to get through the tunnels underneath the hospital and I took a video near the part that was flooded and in the video you can clearly hear my friends talking and their eco’s but in front of me where the water and connecting tunnel is you hear a deep unsettling groan
I came here a couple weeks ago . We heard 3 things . 1. We heard a toy song playing .we knew it wasn’t any of us because it came from the stairs we couldn’t go up to .they were falling apart and unsteady .
We all freaked out and ran for it .
2. We went all the way to the top on the roof. We heard a woman scream . There wasn’t no other girl except me on that damn roof !!!
3. Minutes later , still on the hospital roof, we heard a screech . My guy friend said it sounded like a cat being tortured . I don’t know about y’all but I believe in spirits . Since I wasn’t little .
I was so frekaed out , till the point I almost had a panic attack and started crying .
…. now I’m having a bit of a problem . So those stairs we couldn’t go up to, cuz they were unsteady AND because that floor’s floor looked like it was going to collapse. But I seen a phone hanging from that same ceiling . My guy friend ripped it off for me And I took it for a sovenier .
…… now today I took a random picture for the background of a text I was going to you write . Unfortually I seen something unsettling . 2 faces ! I believe I acidently took spirits home with me 🙁
I’ve been trying to debunk them alllll night . But nope nada . Can’t figure it out .
Yes that hospital is haunted !!!!!
I honestly would never, NEVER! Take something from an abandoned hospital, especially if the hospital is really haunted. It could be very dangerous, plus really think about why that phone was hanging from the ceiling. who knows what that phone could have been used for.
With a filter
Different filter
The phone
Me n two of my friends went there recently to check it out and we got to hear something that couldn’t be explained. Us 3 found our way to the basement and 10 min later while still in the basement it was dead silent until 3 rooms down a big metal slammed shut so we went to go see if anyone was there but there was no one so we eventually left after experiencing what happened
I took this in the summer of 2016 it’s a window on the fourth floor of the Weston wing above the entrance on Weston ave in the bottom part of the window you can see a face looking up with its mouth open like it is screaming
Weston wing of the Old Copley Hospital November 2017
Can anyone confirm about the little girl in a long white nightgown with shoulder long blond looking out the third floor window at the corner of South Lincoln Avenue and Western Avenue. drove past her with a group of friends back in the day I swear this ghost
I came here with a couple friends in 2016. Had been there a couple times already never experienced anything so I was pretty at ease (more worried about running into real people) just wanted to show my friends and explore. Right before I was about to leave I was calling my brother, near the front lobby area I looked down near a door and see a small girl crouched looking up at me. My phone died and I panicked and ran out, one of the girls I was with started acting really strange and didn’t want to leave no matter how much I begged her. Honestly I haven’t been the same, please be careful don’t mess around with things you don’t understand.
Hi i wanted to know if anyone is allowed to go in or do u basically have to sneak in?? Is it safe to go during the day?? Thank you.
You’d have to sneak in , but they recently gated up the entire perimeter. I can’t exactly remember if there’s barbed wire or not though
Just went in there today. Creepy place. Went up to the second floor with some friends and heard clear as day walking down where we entered. We hid in a bathroom upstairs so that if it was a cop we might get out without a warning. The walking stopped so we went down to see if it was other adventurers and didn’t find anyone. Called out to see if anyone was there. No response. We adventured the basement till we hit water and went back to the entrance and main floor. Standing at the bottom of the staircase we heard walking upstairs where we hid from the walking the first time. Creepy right? Called out again for someone to answer and no answer. Thought it could be an animal but it would have tried to sniff us out you’d think. Wasn’t a person cuz we stayed for two hours and watched from the roof for people exiting. Thinking more and more it was a ghost. Not sure if I believe in that stuff or not but still kinda rattles me when I think about it.
has anyone seen the little girl from the hospital? ghost
I wanna update everyone with this place. It has been renovated and is now a Senior Assisted Living Center
Place is now called Bardwell Residences