This building was built in 1918, and shut down in 1999, due to chemical leaks from the basement pipes. Since it was shut down, there have been many sightings of ghosts and what some believe may be demons, or the angry spirits of the patients who just happened to die .in the hospital. The hospital went through many changes, and reached many stages. It went from a hospital, to an asylum, to an old folks home, and then right back to a hospital. After it was shut down, many people broke in to see what kind of strange things they could find in this historic building. In the east wing, the “pink room” was found. Bright pink walls, smeared with blood that seemed to be placed there by the angry spirit of the psychopath that once resided there. The basement and morgue were places not many had the courage to explore. The majority of those who went into the basement and/or morgue, never entered the building again. The citizens living near and around the building, told of an apparation they saw running through the hospitals yard. In spring on 2016, the building caught on fire, and half of it was torn down. All that is left now of the building is one wing, containing the chapel, kitchen, boiler room, and a few patients rooms. On the chapel floor, you can find strange scratches and blood stains, along with items used for satanic rituals. The building left with a strange history, and the spirits who left it becomes more angry and restless every day, as the horror of what happened to their home hits them.
Demolished, May 2016.
(Submitted by Emma E)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 9th and 17th
Nampa, ID
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 43.56986999999999, -116.56244300000003
- County:
- Canyon County, Idaho
- Nearest Towns:
- Nampa, ID (2.0 mi.)
Kuna, ID (8.9 mi.)
Caldwell, ID (9.0 mi.)
Meridian, ID (9.0 mi.)
Star, ID (9.1 mi.)
Middleton, ID (9.9 mi.)
Marsing, ID (12.7 mi.)
Melba, ID (13.5 mi.)
Eagle, ID (13.6 mi.)
Greenleaf, ID (14.5 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
Grew up in Nampa , still live here . The Hospital is in the city and we drive by it often . I have never witnessed anything , but many people talk about experiences they have had or heard about . Just waiting for them to finish demolition .
Got drunk went in there at night by my self wasnt that bad. But i cuaght recording intelligent spirits. One said “did you tell” and i asked what is it like in the after life it said “it hurts” trippy…
Hi did you go to the abandoned hospital.
Huh…who wrote this and where did you get your information?
Article states went from old folks home and then back to a hospital?
Doubtful…stayed as old folks home/retirement/residential care facility until its closing I think-
until it was shut down sometime in2000? Was open in 1999.
We went before the fire in the summer. We broke in and went into one of the rooms adjacent to the “pink” room. We heard some faint voices as we walked the hallway. We walked past a room that had the number 66 on it. As I walked by, I heard a voice say,” Say man, I’ll give you two fiddy if you open dis do’.” I stopped and said,” Hell no!” The voice then said, “Den how ’bout tree fiddy?” I opened the door and shined my flashlight into the room. I t was empty except for a wheel chair and an old bed frame. I then saw writing on the wall, it read “Slappy was here.” That writing was everywhere. I then was about to close the door when I heard a loud voice yell,”leave dat do’ open, jive turkey!” I then left it open and walked away quickly only to find my friend talking to a spirit two rooms down.The spirit’s name was “Qwansi.” It told me that I was talking to the spirit of Slappy. Slappy was an old black man who dies after getting sick of Tuberculosis.I asked this spirit if it was safe to go into the basement/morgue. It warned us not to, said there was “evil” down there. My friend and I finally left and went to our truck. When I got in the passenger side, I found “tree fiddy” left on the seat. Three dollars and fifty cents!! It blew my mind. I wonder what happened to the spirits we talked to after they demolished the building.
Want to do a walk-through of the building and the only thing I can find on the building owner was building code violations in regards to debris and multiple notices given by the city of Nampa to board windows and entrances on 28 or 26 areas of the building. Still trying to figure out how to contact the owner to be granted permission to go and investigate. I would like to possibly find others who may be interested in going to other locations as well but have little to no time to go out and make friends. If you are interested then please contact me and hopefully we can make a plan to do a professional walk-through of different locations in the Boise, Nampa, Caldwell, Kuna and meridian areas. Need to find people who are willing to put in the time to gain knowledge of locations, knowledge of the building owners and who are serious about doing walkthroughs and conducting themselves in a professional manner. Please if anyone feels like they can be of help and are also interested in paranormal activity and investigations, contact me by replying to this. Thank you.
We are doing professional paranormal investigations in the area in the future and would love to possibly do a investigation together please email us at paranormaltheory13 @gmail .com
Building was demolished in 2016 following a fire.
My sister when it was closed down went in with her friend and mind you they weren’t supposed to this and hey could have gotten in trouble. She said that there was a wheel chair in the hall and they took no notice as they roamed the different rooms. However she said that when they came back to that chair on the seat were fresh red rose petals and not a flower in sight,
We put a new basement floor in our old house last summer. When the contractors made the basement deeper they found four skulls and other bones. We believe they were the remains of the original family that lived there.
If anyone has information on how to get in touch with the owners of the building at this time or where a good place to start would be, please let me know. Looking to do an overnight stay here if I can get the property owners to grant me permission. Love paranormal stuff and am always looking for proof of existence after death. Would love to catch something on camera that I can share with the community if anything is captured at all that is.
Looking for information from anyone who lived behind the old Mercy Hospital in the apartments that used to be the old Mercy School of Nursing and boarded the nuns.
Looking for anyone who has information on the old Mercy School of Nursing which is now apartments they are located behind where the old Mercy Hospital used to be. The address is 808 17th ave so.
My parents met in those apartments and I was conceived there lol they told me that there was tunnels under the apartments that led to the hospital. That’s how the nurses would get to work.
My mother worked there when it was an old folks home before it shut down. She passed out meds at night, and when we would go visit her during her lunch break, we could here someone walking around on the main floor. We would go and check it out, but at that time residents were all in there rooms already asleep. it never really bothered my mother because she heard it so often and became used to it. im curious to know if the new housing built still has activity.
When I figured out I went to school right next to that building before it was torn down, I would say I have not seen anything weird
but does hearing man screaming blousy murder count cause it was loud but no one else hears it except my friends and I we were only in 3rd grade at that time but watching getting torn down get better than any movie
MY friend has gone missing their.if you see a 16 year old boy with blonde hair and brown eyes tell me immediately!