Seen on the TV show Ghost Hunters, this fort, now a state park, is said to be haunted by Confederate soldiers who were imprisoned here during the Civil War. Apparitions of the soldiers have been seen watching tour groups pass by, and many have appeared in tourists’ photographs. Other paranormal occurrences reported here are cold spots, cannon explosion sounds, and disembodied voices.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Fort Delaware
Delaware City, DE
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.5892543, -75.56706099999997
- County:
- New Castle County, Delaware
- Nearest Towns:
- Delaware City, DE (1.4 mi.)
New Castle, DE (5.0 mi.)
Pennsville, NJ (5.2 mi.)
Salem, NJ (5.5 mi.)
Bear, DE (5.6 mi.)
Wilmington Manor, DE (6.8 mi.)
Hancocks Bridge, NJ (8.1 mi.)
Quinton, NJ (8.8 mi.)
Newport, DE (8.9 mi.)
Glasgow, DE (9.5 mi.)
Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
The wife and I have been here on 2 different trips. The restoration by the Fort Delaware Society is absolutely amazing. If you want to step back in time to the Civil War, then this is the place.
Full time reenactors are on duty during the season. The boat trip is pleasant, taking you to Fort Delaware, and Fort Mott N.J. Fort Delaware is surely a very scary place inside the cold and dank areas of the Fort. All worth the trip.
My experience at Fort Delaware was unique in my opinion. In the “dungeon” as most people call it, the dark tunnel like hallway under the fort, there is an old gun powder magazine that was used as a prison cell for a soldier during the Civil War. Just outside of this cell I made a comment along the lines of “I don’t believe this is really haunted by *soldiers name*” as I started walking away from it I felt what could only be described as being knocked into with someones shoulder as they walked by. I was hit hard enough for it to leave a red mark on my shoulder. Another experience I had was in the Officers Quarters up on the second floor of the main fort. There is three rooms connected by doorways. In the first room a young female reenactor was making a fabric doll, I walked through the second room and into the third which was a childs room. In the window was a small doll wearing a blue dress and white bonnet. the doll was thrown across the room towards the door and the bonnet was left sitting on the window, as if a child didn’t like the doll and was throwing a fit. I was the only person in the room.
I was actually at Fort Mott waiting for a ferry and I was looking into a bunker that was closed off. It was a hot day and I mainly wanted some shade. I walked up to the gated door and peeked inside. I yelled into the dark hallway ‘is anyone there’ and I heard footsteps that sounded like it was walking deep in the bunker (there was an echo). I said ‘hello?” And it sounded as if the footsteps were right in front of me and I felt a coolness in the air but it was a but harder to breathe if that makes any sense. But now I definitely believe in ghosts.
I visited fort Delaware most recently on a ghost hunt, but it was back in 2004 that I caught something on camera on a field trip with my school at the dock before you enter the grounds. The picture is terrible quality I know, but its all I have. When it was better quality you could make out within the orange what appears to be a figure tilting his head wearing a top-buttoned dark coat over a white shirt. As in, the face and the white shirt is what appears in the orange. Anyway, a very spooky place indeed!