This haunted story falls firmly into the category of “urban legend”. No doubt a bunch of girl scouts sitting around camp invented this one, because it doesn’t even make the slightest bit of sense. The legend is this: every year during the week of Halloween a one-armed girl scout goes from door to door and knocks. Why it is limited to halloween week, who knows, it’s not like they have girl scout camps during October when girl scouts are in school, it’s not like that’s when the girls in green go around to sell their fat bombs, I mean cookies.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 2508 Cottaquilla Road
Anniston, AL 36207
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 33.7641556, -85.71377640000003
- County:
- Calhoun County, Alabama
- Nearest Towns:
- White Plains, AL (1.8 mi.)
Jacksonville, AL (4.4 mi.)
Weaver, AL (5.7 mi.)
Nances Creek, AL (7.3 mi.)
Choccolocco, AL (7.3 mi.)
Saks, AL (8.5 mi.)
Blue Mountain, AL (9.2 mi.)
Alexandria, AL (9.9 mi.)
Anniston, AL (9.9 mi.)
Heflin, AL (10.8 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
I used to stay at Cottaquilla I never ever heard that one. but I do know it was named after and Indian Princess who cried so many tears over her love because her Cheiftain father refused to let them marry. Also we always had to use the buddy system….we would hear things like whispers or footsteps when everyone else was asleep.
I’ve never been here but I live pretty close. My mother used to tell me the story about the “devil worshippers” that used to “hang out” around camp cottaquilla. She told me they had a young girl no older than 15, who was raped and beaten. She told me there is a cement table somewhere in the woods where she was held and tied to for hours. She said they had beaten her and even bit off one of her nipples. She eventually broke free and ran to a house nearby where a police report was filed. Not sure how true this is but I’ve been terrified to go here!
I use to go there I’ve also never heard that one but I did hear a story that a 4 year old girl drown in the lake there and flips canoes and then ours got flipped and I have not been back since so I don’t know. ( sorry for the super long comment )
One time the light across the lake from all of the other cabins was on and no one was staying up there. In addition to that, several of the counselors and girls had heard a banging noise in the night. We never figured out what was going on. It was strange.
This lake is very peaceful and quiet. One night, we took a walk along the river’s edge because it was very peaceful. As we were walking, we heard a someone crying nearby.It sounded like a child, a bastard child perhaps. We then looked around and could find nothing.The crying continued, and as we ventured further, it began to get quiet. We asked a couple of locals if they heard the crying. They said that they hear it from time to time,even when no one is around.They said they have looked for the source,but can never find it so they just take it in stride. We heard it loud and clear and it does sound like a child crying. We stayed another night and we did not hear anything that night. Come see for yourself, it is worth your time.
I stayed there for a week in the 70’s. During that time the head scout leader shot a water moccasin in the lake *while we were swimming in it.* There was a pack of wild dogs traveling through the woods, so when we had to hike through the dark woods to the outhouse, we were encouraged to “take a buddy.” I guess to up the chances of someone surviving to tell what happened when we got dragged off.
We ended the week with everyone in our cabin getting strep throat.
We certainly didn’t need to make up scary stories about the camp.