Calico Ghost town

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Allegedly the ghost is haunted with residual type hauntings. People claim to feel “presences” and cold spots throughout the town.

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Geographic Information

Calico CA
United States

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34.9488889, -116.8641667
San Bernardino County, California
Nearest Towns:
Barstow, CA (9.6 mi.)
Barstow Heights, CA (12.2 mi.)
Lenwood, CA (14.5 mi.)
Fort Irwin, CA (23.9 mi.)
Lucerne Valley, CA (35.4 mi.)
Apple Valley, CA (35.9 mi.)
Victorville, CA (37.4 mi.)
Adelanto, CA (40.0 mi.)
Mountain View Acres, CA (41.6 mi.)
Hesperia, CA (43.8 mi.)


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  1. My girlfriend and I went to Calico and walked all around the town. We went down to the cemetery where I stepped on some graves by mistake. It was not a windy day, quite the opposite. A tornado started right next to us and actually chased us around the cemetery. We could not shake it. It was violent. I made a dash for my car. It followed me. I drove up to the gate to get my GF who was covered in dust. Me, my GF and the inside and out side of the car was covered in dust. Once we left we looked behind and the tornado cease to exists. It was an experience to remember. To anyone who goes to the graves, DO NOT STEP ON THE GRAVES!

  2. This location is very active for paranormal activity. The mine is active for poltergeist activity and apparitions have often been seen walking the streets after dark. It’s wonderful place to visit and they do offer a night time “ghost” tour. Camping is available along with a restaurant, right in town.

  3. was camping at calico with my family, my daughter and i went through the back of the campground and sat at a table it was about 4:30 pm sunny no one around, then all the sudden a little girl was skipping beside me, i felt happy not scared, i could see her hair color what type of clothes she had on , she seemed happy and went towards the town, as soon as she came by me she was gone. i call her the happy campground girl. i have tried to find her but i haven’t seen her sense. i am going to keep trying to find her, this was about 8 years ago.

    • I took a picture of the crowd watching the dead wedding and I got a picture of dead children in old clothes watching the broke my girl dressed in black with a fancy hat one indian girl with a shaw and another girl dressed with 1930 or 1920 clothes she had a big bow in her hair blonde.

  4. We took the Calico Ghost Tour just the other day and our guide mentioned the popcorn cart over by the school yard has been know to have activity so I took pictures of it. After I saw a shadow dart across a bridge. My friend saw it to. Our guide said there is a little boy that people have seen and the shadow may have been his. I think I caught him in my photo inside the popcorn cart.

  5. Me and my hubby went to ghost town as we were coming from Vegas and saw the signs on the road and gave it a try. We were amazed of all the history here. We entered Maggies Mining and right before the end of the tunnel I started to feel an ackward feeling as I was standing in this spot.

      • Brandon p rivera  |  

        Awe man my picture is loading sidways. Lol. I have more images i took,i will load them after my post gets the ok.

    • Brandon p rivera  |  

      Omg. Lol right at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the exit of maggie mine is the same exact spot it felt like someone was following us and i got a picture of an orb that looksl ike a face with a mining helmets light on. Im trying to post the picture i got.its awaiting permission.. lol wow thats so cool we had the same experience

  6. We visited in May 2016. While walking around Lucy Lane’s house I walked toward the parlour and felt strongly that I and my 10mo old son were not welcome. Enough that I stepped back and wouldn’t go closer. We even tried approaching from the kitchen instead and still felt it. I felt a slight pinch on the back of my neck as we walked past. I guess someone doesn’t like children there.

  7. Kimberly Dominique  |  

    We are Spirit Chasers and would love to see what we can. If possible Go to our site and tell us about your Calico Ghost Town Experiences. We are Spirit Chasers California. A 266 member team. Calico Ghost Town please contact us on Facebook.

  8. Came here when I was still in boy scouts. I can tell you that 90 percent of the stuff here is residual. Souls or “recordings” stuck in an endless loop unaware of the changes that happened around them. Great place to visit totally recommend.

  9. When you come into the campground there’s a door type opening to your right, We went walking one night and went to this opening my daughter and myself were so scared we went running, I could feel a mean man, in my head I could see dark hair, dark eyes and I believe he can’t come out of this opening so the next time we went there I made myself go in during daylight but I wouldn’t go to the back of the opening and all I can say is I still feel the same way, I believe he hurt people, If I could draw I could show you how he looks, It was said they stored dynamite in that opening. All I know is he’s mean and I don’t like it. That’s two events I had at Calico Park one that was happy and one that was scary.

  10. Brandon p rivera  |  

    Oh man, here we go, i took my family’s for ther 1st time,my son and i were walking in the maggie mine, we got to the bottom os the exit and it felt like someone was behind us and i told my son. I took 6 pictures different angles,in 2 of my shots there is an orb.when i got home to study it on my tv it looks like a face and the really cool thing is a light above the face,looks like the light from a miners helmets light.. now on to the cemetery, there i was walking around with my son thanki g 2 ww2 soilders thankyou for your service, and i read anotherone that was “The Lonesome sheriff of calico”. I wish all of them to rest in peace. Like 30 seconds after i became really sad, i started crying,just out of the blue. I see it happen all the time on ghost hunting shows to have it actually happen was so weird. I felt alone,and i felt empty inside. I then realized it was right next to the sheriffs grave. On our way out the gate from the cemetery i heard a moan,i kinda blew it off,but then my son said “Daddy did you hear that?” Then i realized it was a actual moan. Its was so awesome to have 3 things happen like that… im still super stoked about it and it happened yesterday. Haha stories for my grandkids. After the cemetery stuff happened, something was seriously wanting me to go back. I felt that i needed to go back. It was soo crazy.

  11. I spent almost 20 years going to Calico for it’s many festivals and gatherings. It was my home away from home. At one time I wanted to open a business there.
    I have been through many of the mines in the mountain behind Calico, and been to the top of that mountain above the large white letters spelling Calico on the side of the mountain. I have spent many a night watching satellites cross the stars in the clear desert skies.
    I have never once seen or experienced anything that was paranormal.
    I have heard many of the stories from dubious sources, UFO’s in the canyons around Calico, creatures coming up to the park gates in the middle of the night, creatures in the canyons, ghost stories of miners, china men, and prostitutes haunting the town.
    Not that I wasn’t looking for them there…just never seen anything out of the ordinary.
    You do have to realize that this was a silver mining town turned into an attraction by Walter Knott of Knott’s Berry Farm fame. Hype and stories are spread like this just to get people to go to places like this.
    Man I miss Calico!

  12. Lorin Morgan-Richards  |  

    I witnessed upclose the White Lady of Calico and wrote about it in detail in my book Welsh in the Old West. At night, she was “walked” past me as she made her way around the outskirts of town. Her face was a complete void and she moved without footsteps. Her white dress is the most apparent when seen.

  13. Calico, CA, in San Bernardino County, is a fascinating location near several towns like Barstow and Victorville. While exploring this historic ghost town, consider taking a break to enjoy some fun in the world of io games, where you can engage in multiplayer action online.

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