Buddy Holly may be alive beyond the grave. According to reports, some have seen a phantom plane crashing that matches the one involved in the 1959 tragedy. Also, 3 orbs have been caught on tape in the spot where Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens died.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Northwest of Mason City, Iowa
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 43.22033619116507, -93.38141283834534
- County:
- Cerro Gordo County, Iowa
- Nearest Towns:
- Fertile, IA (3.6 mi.)
Hanlontown, IA (4.1 mi.)
Clear Lake, IA (5.7 mi.)
Ventura, IA (8.1 mi.)
Manly, IA (10.1 mi.)
Mason City, IA (10.2 mi.)
Joice, IA (10.5 mi.)
Miller, IA (11.3 mi.)
Burchinal, IA (11.9 mi.)
Kensett, IA (12.6 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
Visited this site in July 2014. Of course it was during the day and experienced nothing out of the ordinary. Quite a few people visited that day, well over 20 in the hour that I spent there.
Also, a friend of mine from the Manhattan, KS, area – his wife (7 years old at time of accident) grew up in the farmhouse roughly 1/2 mile east of the intersection where everyone parks their vehicles and then makes the 1/2 mile hike to memorial site. Her father was one of the very first people on-site after the crash that night. She also says that her father had the porch light on the night of the crash and is convinced that that little light saved their lives.
She explained to me that her family was able to hear the airplane approaching and that it sounded like it was in trouble. Plus, she stated that it sounded like the airplane made a sudden “pull up”, like it was trying to avoid hitting the farmhouse and heard the crash.
The “actual” crash site is said to be about 1/4 north of memorial in that rather large farmers cornfield. The farmer allows persons free access to memorial site.
My husband and I visited the memorial on a windy Iowa afternoon. As we began our trek inward, the wind was blowing the corn stalks and we were enjoying the breeze. Once we arrived at the crash site, my husband was the first to notice the wind had stopped and the corn stalks rustled no more. We thought a bit odd, but enjoyed being in the moment of the memorial as we love the 50’s rock and roll. As we left the site, heading back down the trail to the road, the wind started up again as before.
On October 2014 while down to Iowa for a relatives wedding at the Surf ballroom visited the memorial site. Windy and cold but sunny out. We were the only two there taking pics of the site around 2 pm on a Friday. As we left about half way to the car behind me was a great crash noise.It sounded like someone jumping on a metal door. That sure made me walk faster to the car. Nothing around us to make that sound weird. Also later at the Surf on Saturday in the early morning before the wedding I went alone to the restroom and when I went to wash my hands my dress had been unzipped alĺ the way down. Ok I tugged on my dress afterwards and I could not unzip it without physically pulling the tab down.strange but true.
The current Surf Ballroom is no the same Surf Ballroom that those 3 played at. The original burned down and was rebuilt on a different site.
Actually, the original surf ballroom (built in 1933) burnt down in 1947. It was rebuilt across the street from the original location and reopened in 1948. The concert and crash in question happened in 1959. It is, in fact, the exact location of that final show.
No you’re wrong, see courtneys’ comment
Has anyone been at sight at time date of crash happend an expected anything that would be time yo go
During our daytime investigation on 7-17-21 we captured the sound of a plane flying overhead on a digital recorder. None of us remember seeing or hearing such an aircraft the entire time that we were there.