Haunted Places in Burleigh County, North Dakota

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    Apple Creek Country Club

    Bismarck, North Dakota

    Both patrons and staff members have heard unexplained noises here, and the kitchen staff report that the ghost of a former chef has been seen in the kitchen. According to those who have seen her, she tends to disappear quickly without appearing to take any notice of living people.

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    Liberty Memorial Building

    Bismarck, North Dakota

    Haunted by a ghost referred to as the "Stack Monster". People claim to see a male apparition and hear ghostly footsteps. On occasion workers claim to hear their name called when no one else is present.

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    Menoken Cemetery

    Menoken, North Dakota

    An apparition of a farmer, hovering 5 or 6 feet above the ground, is said to appear in the field across the street from the cemetery. He is seen running and carrying a bucket.